Teen Mental Health First Aid

Teen Mental First Aid is for High School Students

Teen Mental Health First Aid (tMHFA) teaches high school students (ages 15-18) how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders among their friends and peers. 

After the course, teens will be able to:

  • Recognize early warning signs that a friend is developing a mental health challenge.

  • Recognize warning signs that a friend may be experiencing a mental health crisis.

  • Know how to talk to a friend about mental health and seek help.

  • Understand when and how to get a responsible adult involved.

  • Share where to find appropriate and helpful resources about mental health challenges and professional help.

  • Effectively Apply the tMHFA Action Plan to help a friend with a mental health challenge or crisis.

    The skills acquired in this course will aid young people in all person-focused interactions throughout their lives, forming a basis for focusing on their overall wellness, including both physical and mental health, as they move through life's stages.


In a school setting:

  • Eligible students must be 15-18 years of age (sophomore through seniors)

  • Must teach the course to an entire grade level

  • At least 10% of the school staff must be certified Youth Mental Health First Aiders (see YMHFA page for details)

  • Course may be taught in six 45-minute sessions or three 90-minute sessions

  • Course cannot be taught on consecutive school days

  • If a youth-serving organization wishes to implement the course it is required to institute it for a critical mass of the 15-18 age population it serves.

To organize a course in your community, please contact Stephanie Hartman, Mental Health First Aid training coordinator at shartman@cbhcare.org.

For more information or to schedule a workshop in your community
please fill out this form