Services for Adults Experiencing Homelessness

PATH (Project for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness) is an outreach service for adults, ages 18 and over, who are experiencing or are at risk of, homelessness and who live with a diagnosed mental illness. PATH works with individuals to end, or to prevent, homelessness and to link individuals with needed services, including medical and psychiatric treatment, legal assistance, and financial assistance.

Program Highlights

Link to needed services (i.e medial, legal, financial, psychiatric, etc) 

Outreach available anywhere in Bergen County

Work with program staff to identify areas of needed support with an emphasis on housing security

Transportation to appointments can be provided

Open access to program - eligibility evaluation required, can be done anywhere 

Bilingual staff is available.

To learn if you or someone you know is eligible for PATH  

speak to a member of our CBH CARE TEAM at: 201-646-0333

CBH Care strives to eliminate fees as a barrier to care. CBH Care provides services to individuals who have private insurance, managed care plans, Medicare and Medicaid, and who are uninsured.

Hours of operation

Monday – Friday: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.